
Machine Translation is computer generated translation, based on specific algorithm sets. Usually fast and simple to use, MT engines represent a quick and easy, although not always the best solution for translation.

Adaptive machine learning (Adaptive MT) is a system that learns and modifies in real time based on human feedback.

MT is based on chance rather than meaning. It is unable to comprehend the meaning or context of the text it is translating. Because MT assumes the most likely translation, you'll never know if it's right if you can't read both languages.
It's no surprise that machine translation has spawned a completely new translation workflow, Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE). This hybrid strategy is now specialised by many translators and LSPs. The process starts with a pre-translated text (usually provided by an LSP project manager), which is then evaluated and edited by a linguist.

Automated vs. machine translation: What’s the difference?

  • Automated translation refers to any automation built into a traditional computer-assisted translation tool (CAT tool) or a modern translation management system (TMS) to automatically execute repetitive translation-related tasks.

    Triggers are built into content that tell the system it can be automated. This may include inserting commonly used text such as legal disclaimers into documents from a database like a content management system (CMS).

    Automated translation may be used to automate the machine translation of text as a stage in the localization workflow. However, automated translation and machine translation are not interchangeable terms as they serve entirely different functions.

The benefits of Machine Translation

Machine translation gives you a quick and comprehensive understanding of a document. If you specially train the machine to your needs, machine translation provides the perfect combination of quick and cost-effective translations. With a specially trained machine, MT can capture the context of full sentences before translating them, which provides you with a high quality and human-sounding output. With our machine translation tool, the layout of the text will be retained, and the translation is returned almost immediately.

  • Accelerated translation workflow: translations are done much faster
  • Type of content that is being translated: not all content is suitable for MT. However, content which is frequently changed or updated would demand high costs of human translation and MT might be the perfect solution.
  • Not all languages provide the same quality of results: MT still provides the best results when translating from and to English, with several languages close behind: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese.
  • Human factor: no matter the quality of MT, human professional translators are still the most reliable option. Are you translating generic phrases or specialized or niche texts? Before choosing MT, consider including a human reviewer in your translation process.

We will work with you to select the kind of output that best suits your  needs for both online and offline publishing.


Simple, flexible service that can easily be adapted to your company’s translation needs.

Retained layout
Translated files are returned in their original layout through Semantix interface.

Quick turnaround
Short lead times, the translation can be returned almost instantly.

High security
All processing done via secure HTTPS connection. Encrypted data transfer. No files or texts are saved.